Top Arts Colleges in India: Complete information on list of colleges, eligibility, scope and salaries etc.

Introduction: Arts Colleges in India, navigating a career choice after the 12th standard marks a pivotal phase in a student’s academic journey, laying the foundation for future educational pursuits and professional endeavors. The decision-making process becomes particularly intricate for those immersed in the realm of arts. Historically, the avenues for arts students were limited, yet the contemporary landscape has witnessed a surge in demand for creative and artistic skills across diverse industries. In this blog, we delve into the myriad career possibilities awaiting arts enthusiasts’ post-12th in 2023. We’ll dissect the trajectories, remuneration, and job outlooks associated with these pathways.

Arts graduates aren’t confined to traditional trajectories alone; they can embark on journeys leading to civil services examinations, roles in banking as probationary officers, or even pursue chartered accountancy. However, the crux lies in selecting the right specialization, as the choice of subject intricately shapes future career prospects. The array of courses after 12th spans linguistics, political science, law, mass communications, economics, geology, psychology, history, and language studies such as Hindi or English.

The plethora of options presents both opportunities and challenges. Therefore, meticulous consideration is paramount when identifying the most fitting course and subject. This blog aims to illuminate the best career options after 12th in the arts stream, offering valuable insights for those navigating this crucial decision-making juncture.



List of Arts Colleges in India

S No.  

Name of the Indian State

Arts Colleges in India
1 Assam List of Arts Colleges in Assam
2 Uttar Pradesh List of Arts Colleges Uttar Pradesh
3 Uttarakhand List of Arts Colleges Uttarakhand
4 Meghalaya List of Arts Colleges Meghalaya
5 Punjab List of Arts Colleges Punjab
6 Rajasthan List of Arts Colleges Rajasthan
7 Himachal Pradesh List of Arts Colleges Himachal Pradesh
8 Haryana List of Arts Colleges Haryana
9 Delhi List of Arts Colleges Delhi
10 Gujarat List of Arts Colleges Gujarat
11 Arunachal Pradesh List of Arts Colleges Arunachal Pradesh
12 Mizoram List of Arts Colleges Mizoram
13 Manipur List of Arts Colleges Manipur
14 Sikkim List of Arts Colleges Sikkim
15 Tripura List of Arts Colleges Tripura
16 Nagaland List of Arts Colleges Nagaland
17 West Bengal List of Arts Colleges West Bengal
18 Bihar List of Arts Colleges Bihar
19 Jharkhand List of Arts Colleges Jharkhand
20 Odisha List of Arts Colleges Odisha
21 Chhattisgarh List of Arts Colleges Chhattisgarh
22 Madhya Pradesh List of Arts Colleges Madhya Pradesh
23 Maharashtra List of Arts Colleges Maharashtra
24 Telangana List of Arts Colleges Telangana
25 Goa List of Arts Colleges Goa
26 Kerala List of Arts Colleges Kerala
27 Tamil Nadu List of Arts Colleges Tamil Nadu
28 Jammu and Kashmir List of Arts Colleges Jammu and Kashmir
29 Andaman and Nicobar Islands List of Arts Colleges Andaman and Nicobar Islands
30 Daman Diu List of Arts Colleges Daman Diu
31 Dadra and Nagar Haveli List of Arts Colleges Dadra and Nagar Haveli
32 Chandigarh List of Arts Colleges Chandigarh
33 Puducherry List of Arts Colleges Puducherry
34 Lakshadweep List of Arts Colleges Lakshadweep
35 Ladakh List of Arts Colleges Ladakh
36 Karnataka List of Arts Colleges Karnataka
37 Delhi NCR List of Arts Colleges Delhi NCR
38 Andhra Pradesh List of Arts Colleges Delhi Andhra Pradesh


Arts Colleges in India Courses and Programs Available

A plethora of employment opportunities unfolds for students upon completing their 12th grade in the arts stream. A compelling pathway for consideration is enrolling in a BFA course following the culmination of their 12th-grade education. Beyond this, a diverse array of fields beckons arts enthusiasts, including sociology, law, mass media, education, hospitality, and event management. To provide a well-organized roadmap for those contemplating art-centric career options, we’ve curated a comprehensive list featuring some of the most promising avenues post-12th in the arts stream.

Below are some popular choices in Arts Streams


  1. Sociology
  2. Economics
  3. English
  4. BSc in Design
  5. Political Science
  6. Bachelors of Arts
  7. Event Management
  8. Diploma in Education
  9. Bachelors of fine arts (B.F.A)
  10. Bachelor of Mass Media (BMM)
  11. Bachelor in Fashion Designing
  12. Bachelor of Hotel Management
  13. Bachelors of Business Administration
  14. Integrated Law Course (B.A + L.L.B)
  15. Bachelors of Journalism and Mass Communication

Arts Colleges in India Job and Salary Scope for Arts Students

Degree Salary Career options
Bachelors of Arts BA average Salary range is – ₹4,33,106 Content writer
Executive Assistant
Human Resource Manager(HR)
Bachelors of fine arts (B.F.A) The Average Salary for BFA is – 5,30,422 Teacher/ Professors
Professional Dancer/ Singers
Art Directors
Creative Writers
Bachelors of Business Administration The Average Salary for BFA is – ₹4,42,251 Financial Analyst
Marketing Managers
Human Resources Managers(HR)
Sales and Marketing executives
Integrated Law Course (B.A + L.L.B) BA + LLB Average salary range from ₹5,00,000- ₹8,00,000 Company Secretary
Legal Advisor
Litigation Lawyer
Bachelors of Journalism and Mass Communication The Average Salary for a Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication is – ₹4, 26,474 Content writer
Marketing Executive
Bachelor in Fashion Designing Bachelors of Design average salary – ₹5,93,218 Fashion Designer
Design Manager
Fashion Stylist
Bachelor of Hotel Management Hotel Management Average Salary – ₹1,370,000 Hotel Manager
Accommodation Manager
Meeting & Event Planner
Event Management The average salary for event management is – ₹6,25,000 Event Planner
Event Manager
Wedding Planner
BA in Sociology Average Salary for Sociology – ₹4,00,000 Social Worker
Rehabilitation Counselors
Family Counselors
BA in Political Science Average Salary for Sociology – ₹6,10,419 Business executive
Political scientist
Political consultant
BA in Economics Average Salary range from ₹1,80,000 to ₹14,00,000 Economist
Financial Risk Analyst
Data analyst
BA in English The Average Salary for BA English is – ₹4,13,822 Professor
Content Writer



Arts Colleges in India Entrance Exams post completing Bachelor of Arts


  1. Common Admission Test (CAT)
  2. Management Aptitude Test (MAT)
  3. Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT)
  4. Graduate Record Examinations (GRE)
  5. Common Proficiency Test (CPT)
  6. Common-Law Admission Test (CLAT)
  7. Law School Admission Test (LSAT)
  8. CEED (Common Entrance Exam for Design)


Note: Salaries are subject to change and dependant on the market




What are popular jobs I can do after graduating with an arts degree?

In the dynamic landscape post arts degree completion, an array of sought-after professions beckons, including graphic designer, video editor, interior designer, creative director, journalist, media manager, event manager, and public relations specialist. These roles stand out as prime examples of high-demand occupations, presenting exciting opportunities for individuals with an artistic and creative flair.

Is Graduation in BA necessary to appear for UPSC exam?

For those with aspirations of conquering the UPSC exam, channeling your focus towards BA subjects such as political science, history, geography, philosophy, and public administration is paramount. These subjects go beyond being merely instrumental—they serve as potent tools to elevate your readiness for the examination. Immerse yourself in the depth of these disciplines, as doing so can substantially fortify your foundational knowledge and skill set, rendering them indispensable selections for those embarking on the formidable journey of navigating the challenges posed by the UPSC.



What are popular career options after taking up the arts stream?

Embracing the arts stream opens up a vast spectrum of career possibilities. Within this expansive landscape, one can explore avenues such as graphic design, journalism, fashion design, law, hotel management, event planning, interior design, food photography, filmmaking, and more. The diversity of options available underscores the versatility and richness of opportunities that the arts stream offers, allowing individuals to carve unique and fulfilling career paths based on their passions and interests.

What jobs I can get after completing Graduation in Fine Arts? 

Embarking on a career in fine arts typically involves pursuing foundational courses such as a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) or a diploma in fine arts at the undergraduate level. These educational pathways equip individuals with the essential skills needed to thrive in the field. Upon acquiring the necessary expertise, a myriad of job opportunities opens up within realms such as applied arts, drama and theatre, music, dance, photography, filmmaking, and more. For those inclined towards flexibility and autonomy, freelancing emerges as a compelling starting point, providing a great avenue to kickstart a career in the dynamic world of fine arts.



Can Art stream students get admission in hotel management?

The path to a career in hotel management is indeed open to those who have pursued arts in the 12th grade. There are several specialized courses tailored to cater to this transition, including:

  1. Bachelor of Hotel Management (BHM)
  2. BA in Hotel Management
  3. BA in Hospitality and Travel
  4. Bachelor in Hotel Management and Catering Technology (BHMCT)

These courses offer a comprehensive blend of skills and knowledge, bridging the gap between arts education and the dynamic field of hotel management. So, if you have a penchant for the hospitality industry, these programs provide a solid foundation to embark on a rewarding career in hotel management.

Official Website of UPSC (students can check for entrance exams)




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