National Fertilizers Limited Recruitment 2025 Last Date 15 February 2025 Apply Fast: Check official notification, Eligibility Criteria, Pay Scale and How to Apply

Introduction: National Fertilizers Limited Recruitment 2025, National Fertilizers Limited (NFL), a Navratna company and a leading profit-making Central Public Sector Undertaking specializing in the production and marketing of fertilizers and agricultural inputs, is inviting applications for the contractual positions of 01 Senior Consultant and 02 Consultants (Agrochemical).

Interested candidates are encouraged to carefully review the complete details and apply in accordance with the guidelines within 7 days from the publication of the notification, which was officially released on February 8, 2025.


Last Date of Application: 15th February 2025

National Fertilizers Limited (NFL), a Navratna company, premier profit-making Central Public Sector  Undertaking engaged in manufacturing and marketing of fertilizers and other agricultural inputs. With  the objective of having a pan India presence, the Company has forayed into production of  agrichemical molecules and is looking for experienced professionals for engagement on contract basis at Bathinda Unit.

SCOPE OF WORK (National Fertilizers Limited Recruitment 2025)

The experienced professionals are required for pre-commissioning /commissioning and operation of newly set up agrochemical plant at Bathinda.

JOB PROFILE, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (National Fertilizers Limited Recruitment 2025)


  1. a) SR. CONSULTANT (AGROCHEMICAL):- Monitoring/ ensuring the quality of products.
  2. b) CONSULTANT (AGROCHEMICAL):- Lab Analysis of agrochemical formulations.

ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION& EXPERIENCE (National Fertilizers Limited Recruitment 2025)

Name of Post Experience Qualification
Sr. Consultant – Agrochemical (1 post) 8 years of experience in Agrochemical Formulations Manufacturing Plant, with at least 5 years in analysis of technical/formulations of Agrochemicals. M.Sc. in Chemistry (preferably Analytical Chemistry)
Consultant – Agrochemical (2 posts) 3 years of experience in analysis of technical/formulations of Agrochemicals in an Agrochemical Manufacturing Plant. B.Sc. with Chemistry as one subject


AGE LIMIT: Age of the candidates shall not exceed 62 years as on 01.02.2025.

CUT OFF DATE FOR RECKONING ELIGIBILITY shall be 01.02.2025 for all purposes of this advertisement.

PERIOD OF ENGAGEMENT (National Fertilizers Limited Recruitment 2025)

The engagement shall be on contract basis initially for a period of one year only from the date of their joining. The engagement can be extended for a further period of 1 year at the sole discretion of Management based on administrative requirement and /or their performance. The services of above incumbents may be terminated at any point of time without assigning any reason therefore.


REMUNERATION (National Fertilizers Limited Recruitment 2025)

Name of Post Consolidated Fixed Remuneration
Sr. Consultant (Agrochemical) Rs. 90,000/- per month
Consultant (Agrochemical) Rs. 40,000/- per month

The payment shall be made on pro-rata basis depending upon the number of days of attendance. Income Tax shall be deducted as per rules. No conveyance allowance shall be provided for coming to or going from office. The engaged persons will have no right to claim any additional remuneration/ compensation. In case travelling outside Headquarters (Bathinda) in the context of work/ assignment is required, the TA/ DA shall be equivalent to the entitlement admissible to E3 and W5 level for Sr. Consultant and Consultant.

How to Apply? (National Fertilizers Limited Recruitment 2025)


Interested candidates may submit their application in the prescribed proforma, which should be duly filled-in alongwith self-attested copies of certificates regarding date of birth, educational qualifications, post qualification work- experience Certificate(s) and Relieving Order from last employer (if not presently employed). The application can be sent through Email- or in a sealed envelope cover super-scribed with“ Application for the engagement as Sr. Consultant / Consultant (Agrochemical)”should be addressed to:

“Chief Manager (HR), National Fertilizers Limited, Bathinda Unit, Sibian Road, Bathinda, Punjab- 151003”

The last date for receipt of duly filled application is 07 days from the date of publication unless extended and notified on NFL’s website.

Incomplete/Unsigned application proforma OR application not in prescribed proforma OR application not supported by self-attested copies of relevant documents OR not fulfilling the eligibility criteria OR application received at any other address of NFL other than as mentioned at sl. no. K (1) OR application received after due date shall be summarily ‘Rejected’ and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard

Scrutiny and short listing of applications would be done on the basis of documents enclosed with the prescribed application form. No interim correspondence by the candidates regarding availability/non – availability of documents would be entertained. Accordingly, candidates are advised to enclose all relevant documents along with the hardcopy of application form.  All communications with the candidates would be made on the e-mail id submitted by them in their application proforma.

To learn more about the NFL recruitment check official notification here

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