Introduction: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited Recruitment 2025 for Consultant Positions, ONGC Well Services, Ahmedabad Asset is seeking applications from experienced retired ONGC personnel from Production and Drilling disciplines for contractual roles as Junior Consultants and Associate Consultants. These positions involve supervising Work-over Operations on charter-hired and O&M-operated Work-over Rigs in shift and general shift postings. The contract duration is two years. Interested candidates are encouraged to review the full details and apply before the deadline.
Last Date of Application: 27th March 2025
Vacancy Details and Eligibility (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited Recruitment 2025 for Consultant Positions)
Find below vacancy details for the ONGC Recruitment 2025 for Consultant Posts.
Sl. No. | Post | No. of Posts & Discipline(s) | Required Experience |
1 | Junior Consultant (E1 to E3 level) | 18 (Production/Drilling discipline) | Retired ONGC executives who retired at E1 to E3 level for Junior Consultant from Production/Drilling discipline with at least 5 years of in-line experience in Work Over/Drilling field operations. |
2 | Associate Consultant (E4 to E5) | 36 (Production/Drilling discipline) | Retired ONGC executives who retired at E4 to E5 level for Associate Consultant from Production/Drilling discipline with at least 5 years of in-line experience in Work Over/Drilling field operations. |
Monthly Compensation package/ Remuneration / Emoluments (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited Recruitment 2025 for Consultant Positions)
Below is the Pay Scale for the both the vacant positions.
- For Junior Consultant (E1 to E3):
Tenure | Monthly Honorarium | Conveyance Reimbursement (/Month) | Reimbursement for Office at Residence (Secretary, Peon, etc.) (/Month) | Total Compensation (/Month) | Monthly Charges on Communication Facilities (As per bill submitted) Max. (/Month) |
1st Year | 27,000/- | 6,500/- | 6,500/- | 40,000/- | 2,000/- |
2nd Year | 28,350/- | 6,500/- | 6,500/- | 41,350/- | 2,000/- |
- For Associate Consultant (E4 to E5) :
Tenure | Monthly Honorarium | Conveyance Reimbursement (/Month) | Reimbursement for Office at Residence (Secretary, Peon, etc.) (/Month) | Total Compensation (/Month) | Monthly Charges on Communication Facilities (As per bill submitted) Max. (/Month) |
1st Year | 40,000/- | 13,000/- | 13,000/- | 66,000/- | 2,000/- |
2nd Year | 42,000/- | 13,000/- | 13,000/- | 68,000/- | 2,000/- |
Age Criteria (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited Recruitment 2025 for Consultant Positions)
- Less than 64 years of age as on the date of advertisement.
How to Apply? (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited Recruitment 2025 for Consultant Positions)
- Scanned copy of ONGC Identity Card (both sides) and Aadhar Card (both sides) to be submitted by the candidates along with application/ Bio Data form.
- Scanned copy of application in the attached format along with the required documents may be sent to well services department to the following email/address:
- Eligible candidate(s) can also submit the applications in person in Contract Cell, Room No-132, 1st floor, Avani Bhavan, ONGC, Ahmedabad Asset, Gujarat.
- Last date of receipt of application: 27/03/2025
- Date & Venue for written test and personal interaction/interview and other details:
- Venue : ONGC, Ahmedabad
- Date & other details: To be intimated to the shortlisted candidates through email.
Selection Criteria (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited Recruitment 2025 for Consultant Positions)
The following is the eligibility/ selection criteria:
Following will the selection criteria for awarding the marks to the candidates for selection :-
Criteria | Maximum Marks |
A. Years of Experience | 20 |
B. Academic Qualification | 10 |
C. Written Test | 50 |
D. Personal Interview | 20 |
Total Marks | 100 |
The written test shall be conducted in pen paper format. Question paper will be bilingual (English and Hindi) having Objective Type -Multiple Choice Questions. Total of 20 questions to be answered in 60 minutes duration.
Each question shall carry 2.5 marks and there will be no negative marking for wrong answers.
- b) Qualifying marks in written test will be 15 (out of total marks 50), i.e 30% of total marks. Candidates qualifying the written test will be shortlisted and called for Interaction/Interview.
- c) Qualifying marks for Interaction/Interview will be 10(out of total marks 20), i.e 50% of the total marks.
- d) Based on the total marks scored in criteria/ parameters mentioned at i) A, B, C and D, merit list shall be decided.
- e) Offer of engagement will be issued to the selected candidates as per overall merit list.
No TA/DA/Accommodation shall be paid for written test/Interview/ interaction.
Period of Engagement: The engagement shall be purely on contract basis for a period of two years from the date of joining or up to the age of 65 years whichever is earlier. Engagement on contract basis will be subject to medical fitness by ONGC Medical Authority as per Mines Rules 1955.
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