Kerala State Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited KSDPL Recruitment 2025: Vacancy Notification out for Appointments of Trainees under Training & Development Scheme of KSDPL

Introduction: Kerala State Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited KSDPL Recruitment 2025, The Kerala State Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (KSDPL), a Public Sector Undertaking established in 1974 has been manufacturing and supplying essential and lifesaving medicines to cater the need of the common patients resorting to Government Hospitals in the State of Kerala. CMD on behalf of KSDPL invites applications from qualified and competent candidates to be posted as Trainees under Training & Development Scheme of KSDPL. Interested candidates are requested to go though the details of the article and apply before the deadline ie. February 21, 2025.


Last Date of Application:  21 February 2025

Eligibility Criteria (Kerala State Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited KSDPL Recruitment 2025)

The details of the stream, qualification and remuneration are mentioned below:

S No. Stream Qualification No of Vacancy Stipend (Per Month)
1 Electrical Engineering M. Tech/B. Tech in Electrical Engineering from a recognized university/institution 2 1st year – Rs. 15,000/-                   2nd year – Rs. 17,000/-                          3rd year – Rs. 20,000/-
2 Instrumentation Engineering M. Tech/B. Tech in Instrumentation from a recognized university/institution 2 1st year – Rs. 15,000/-                   2nd year – Rs. 17,000/-                     3rd year – Rs. 20,000/-
3 Mechanical Engineering M. Tech/B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized university/institution 2 1st year – Rs. 15,000/-                   2nd year – Rs. 17,000/-                         3rd year – Rs. 20,000/-
4 Chemical Engineering M. Tech/B. Tech in Chemical Engineering from a recognized university/institution 4 1st year – Rs. 15,000/-                         2nd year – Rs. 17,000/-                    3rd year – Rs. 20,000/-
5 Computer Science M. Tech/B. Tech in Computer Science from a recognized university/institution 2 1st year – Rs. 15,000/-                   2nd year – Rs. 17,000/-                          3rd year – Rs. 20,000/-
6 M.Sc. Microbiology M.Sc. in Microbiology from a recognized university/institution 2 1st year – Rs. 15,000/-                        2nd year – Rs. 17,000/-                           3rd year – Rs. 20,000/-
7 M. Pharm/B. Pharm M. Pharm/B. Pharm from a recognized university/institution 4 1st year – Rs. 15,000/-                   2nd year – Rs. 17,000/-                     3rd year – Rs. 20,000/-
8 MBA (Finance) MBA in Finance from a recognized university/institution 1 1st year – Rs. 15,000/-                          2nd year – Rs. 17,000/-                     3rd year – Rs. 20,000/-
9 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized university/institution 2 1st year – Rs. 12,000/-                        2nd year – Rs. 14,000/-                        3rd year – Rs. 16,000/-
10 Diploma in Electrical Engineering Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized university/institution 2 1st year – Rs. 12,000/-                        2nd year – Rs. 14,000/-                        3rd year – Rs. 16,000/-
11 Diploma in Fire and Safety Diploma in Fire and Safety from a recognized university/institution 1 1st year – Rs. 12,000/-                        2nd year – Rs. 14,000/-                        3rd year – Rs. 16,000/-
12 Diploma in Plastic Technology Diploma in Plastic Technology from a recognized university/institution 2 1st year – Rs. 12,000/-                        2nd year – Rs. 14,000/-                        3rd year – Rs. 16,000/-
13 AC Mechanic ITI Certificate in AC Mechanic trade from a recognized institution 2 1st year – Rs. 10,000/-                   2nd year – Rs. 11,000/-                    3rd year – Rs. 12,000/-
14 Boiler Operator ITI pass in Boiler Attendant Examination (B Class) from a recognized institution 3 1st year – Rs. 10,000/-                   2nd year – Rs. 11,000/-                    3rd year – Rs. 12,000/-


*Age limit for all above streams 18-36 years. Age relaxation to SC, ST, OBC and others.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR IMPARTING TRAINING (Kerala State Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited KSDPL Recruitment 2025)

The TRAINEES will be imparted training in KSDPL under the following terms and conditions.

  1. a) The duration of the training will be for a maximum period of three years from the date of reporting for training
  2. b) The training period will be extended for the next one year only based on previous year performance
  3. c) KSDPL reserves the right to relieve trainees from the training at any time without notice and without assigning any reason
  4. d) The above training will not confer on the trainees any right for consideration for employment in any units of the company
  5. e) Training in KSDPL with regard to timing, holding leave etc., will be governed by the its Rules and Orders in force from time to time
  6. f) The conduct, attendance, proficiency of the trainees in their training etc. will be closely watched and the company reserves the right to relieve them from training at any time during the training period for unsatisfactory performance without any notice
  7. g) The trainees shall devote themselves completely and whole-heartedly in their training

POSTING OF TRAINEES (Kerala State Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited KSDPL Recruitment 2025)

 Selected trainees will be posted for training at KSDPL, Kalavoor, Alappuzha·

General Instructions:

  1. Cut-off date for calculating Age is 01.02.2025
  2. Age relaxation is applicable to SC/ST/OBC and other eligible category applicants as per Govt. of Kerala norms. Eligibility for age relaxation should be proven by producing necessary certificates from competent authority
  3. Applicant must be citizens of India
  4. The applicants are required to go through the detailed notification carefully and decide themselves about their eligibility for this recruitment before applying online
  5. KSDPL /CMD shall not be responsible for any discrepancy in submitting the online application
  6. Applicants must compulsorily fill-up all relevant fields of the online application
  7. Incomplete/incorrect application form will be summarily rejected. KSDPL /CMD under any circumstances will not entertain the information, if any, furnished by the candidate subsequently. Applicants should be careful in filling-up the application form at the time of submission. If any lapse is detected during the scrutiny, the candidature will be rejected even though he/she comes through the final stage of recruitment process or even at a later stage
  8. The applicant should not furnish any false, tampered, fabricated information or suppress any material information while filling up the application form. If the particulars furnished in the online application form do no tally with the Original documents produced by the Candidate, his/her candidature will be rejected
  9. The qualification stipulated for the post must be from a recognized University/ Institute. Those applicants having qualification equivalent to any of the prescribed qualification should submit equivalency certificate issued by the competent authority and without such certificate, their applications shall not be considered
  10. In the event of any information provided by the candidates being found false or incorrect at any stage, their candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated without any notice
  11. CMD reserves the right to call for any additional documentary evidence from candidates in support of educational qualifications/experience/other notified eligibility requirements
  12. Candidates must upload either the original certificate or the provisional certificate issued by a competent authority when submitting their educational qualification certificates. Uploading mark sheets, consolidated mark sheets, or statements instead of certificates will not be accepted, and such applications will be rejected
  13. Applicants should have a valid personal email ID and mobile no., which should be kept active till the completion of this Recruitment Process. CMD may send intimation to download call letters for written test/proficiency assessment/interview through the registered e-mail ID. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID and mobile no. before applying online and must maintain that email account and mobile number
  14. CMD/KSDPL reserves the right to determine the selection process based on requirements. The selection process may include application screening, criteria-based screening, a written test, skill test/group discussion, an interview, or any combination of these methods
  15. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will receive intimations via email, SMS, or phone call regarding the selection process
  16. Enable email notifications to stay informed about updates and communications. Also, regularly check your spam or junk email folder for important messages
  17. Applications with blurred/ illegible Photograph/ Signature/ ambiguous experience certificates will be rejected
  18. CMD/KSDPL reserves the right to modify, cancel the notification or revise the number of posts at any time without assigning any reason or to stop the recruitment process altogether
  19. Rights for the rules for the cut off marks/shortlisting in all stages of recruitment are reserved by CMD/KSDPL
  20. The CMD/ KSDPL reserves the right to debar any candidate for any malpractice, including for a fraudulent claim of any kind of benefit / relaxation / concession, misconduct
  21. In case of any problems faced by the candidates in filling up the online application form they may contact the HELP DESK on the phone number: 04712320101 ext: 237,250 between 10 am and 5 pm on working days (Monday – Friday)


How to Apply?

Interested applicants may apply ONLINE through the website of the Centre for Management Development (CMD),Thiruvananthapuram ( by satisfying themselves with the terms and conditions of this recruitment.

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