RF and Microwave Engineering: Career Scope and other details

Introduction: RF and Microwave engineering is the technology area where many enthusiast have found a promising career. An old expression “Necessity is the mother of all inventions” still stands true as the need to evolve is rapid and will not stop till the time humans will inherit this earth. That been said, the telecommunication industry is the area where we have seen rapid growth and expansion in a way that not many industry have witnessed to date.

Think of the days when we use to have fixed wired phones in our home which had its limitation and to our dismay now things have completely changed with the use of wireless technology every individual now have their own set of separate phone which has no limitation of carrying it to anywhere.

Major thanks to RF (radio frequency and microwave) engineering which has given us the freedom to soar the sky. The engineering inventions for RF and Microwave are not limited to just conventional satellite, radio, Wi-Fi and mobile phones but its applicability goes beyond that.

Telecommunication Industry and RF and Microwave Engineering

In the telecommunication paradigm both RF (radio frequency) and microwave are used interchangeably in the context of their applicability or device used as both are forms of signal frequency.  In the context of engineering the Radio Frequency (RF) and microwave are considered to be the subset of the electrical/electronic engineering so if a student is interested in pursuing a career in RF & Microwave technology then one should first complete a B. Tech Electrical and Electronics degree first and then apply for a Masters degree (M. Tech) in RF and Microwave.

In the present time, many experts are skeptical to encourage students to follow this career just because of its limited market.  Still having said that the growth of the telecommunication industry is much higher and rapid, there are many areas that still offer a very lucrative job profile such as research and development, military communication, space communication, Internet service providers etc.


Eligibility Criteria for RF and Microwave Engineering

Eligibility Criteria: The first eligibility criteria for M. Tech (RF and Microwave) communication confirms that the student must have an undergraduate engineering degree equivalent to B.Tech Telecom/EC/EEE or M.Sc. Electronics and the second eligible criteria is a valid GATE score/merit.

Duration of the program: The program will take up to 2 years for completion and will have 4 semesters in all. The last year will be dedicated to industrial training and submission of the project work.


Course Design RF and Microwave Engineering

Course Design: This program is certainly designed to train the students in the area of telecommunication engineering   which industry aligned and will provide students with technological dexterity to fully design Radio Frequency and Microwave based systems which also includes technological areas like wireless systems and optical technologies.

The program will teach students on how to manufacture design telecommunication devices, modes of operation, enhancement of applicability of designs and develop hard skills of understanding closely the frequency based apparatus.

Please also Read:  Scope in Automobile Engineering. 


Course Prospects RF and Microwave Engineering

Career Prospects: There are many national and international companies that work in the industrial arena of Internet and telecommunication. Even face book has now also entered the market with providing internet facility on demand in the interior areas where there is sacristy of mobile Sim network.

The career prospects of a telecommunications engineer is typically the private sector available but with hard work and based on skills one could also seek employment in the research and development field, space communication, military communication and satellites. The first half of the typical telecommunication industry is filled with giants who provide network operation to the ever growing network base of individuals as customers.

Allied industries for RF and Microwave Engineering

The other half has interest in designing hardware for telecommunication industry which is used by the network provider companies and device designers. Defense communication is one of the growing areas for telecommunication engineering experts for they are always looking for devices and frequencies which are undetectable by their enemies. Both India and abroad has defense opportunity, abroad creates more chances in the military manufacturing, as the companies all belong to a private sector which provide electronic devices to the military. 

Conclusion: Starting on a positive note there is no doubt that there is growing demand for a specialist in the area of telecommunication engineering with guaranteed job opportunities in the foreseeable future.

But having said our research shows that the market for the telecommunication is still a very limited sector with cut throat competition among the network service providers there is a lot of cut off in the jobs in the network service provider companies so use your own discreet to choose the program.

If you are not fully satisfied then you could always opt for career in programming, computers, software’s and mobile apps.

Engineers also go for part time MBA


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